Privacy Policy ascertains the adherence to the policy of personal data protection during the use of the present website services, according to electronic commerce and distance sales, in accordance with and adherence to the international, European and internal Greek judicial system, according to the dictations of law Ν.2251/1994 for consumer protection, the instructions for 2000/31/ΕΚ and PD 131/2003 for electronic commerce,as well as Ν. 2472/1997 for protection of the individual and personal data as has been designated according to the decisions of the President of the Protection for Personal Data Committee, PD 207/1998 and 79/2000 and article 8 of the law Ν. 2819/2000 and the instructions 95/46/ΕΚ and 97/66/ΕΚ. declares that they will not use your personal data illegally or unjustly, nor transfer, in any way and for any reason, the personal data of users / visitors to any third party. After your application, your personal data is permanently deleted and is not transferred in any way to any third party. Inserting personal data in order to make use of the services falls in the liability of law Ν.1599/1986 and therefore, any false personal data may entail the consequences according to the law, article 22,prg.6.
Visitors / Users of this website who are minors may have access to our services only with the consent of their parents or guardians.
YOUR CREDIT CARD INFORMATION IS NOT STORED IN ANY WAY, and as such the abuse of it by a third party is practically impossible. If you do choose to pay by credit card, your transaction is completed via the digital space of Pireos Bank.